© Dorothée Thébert Filliger

Le Monde

Academic and performative demonstration of the construction of the world, things and words

Le Monde is a scenic answer to the question that occupies, at its core, all science and philosophy; how to categorize things and beings? How to name them? How to distinguish them? And above all, how to do it well? We know that naming something, someone, is already assigning them an identity, rights, duties, it is simply defining a horizon of expectation of what this entity can or cannot do. And it can be quite painful. However, we cannot escape it, we must call one thing one thing.
Using the most advanced techniques of the theatrical technology, as well as the latest advances in spiritual and scientific research, Old Masters offers a collective experience of emancipation and reappropriation of codes to create a new world together.


23 – 25 Sep 2021,

Centre culturel suisse, Paris (FR)

29 Oct – 3 Nov 2019,

Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Genève (CH)

8 – 13 Oct 2019,

Arsenic, Lausanne (CH)


Le royaume de la liberté, Mathieu Menghini, I/O Gazette, 4 nov 2019
Quatre Old Masters dispensent leur leçon de physique aléatoire, Katia Berger, Tribune de Genève, 31 oct 2019
A Genève, des artisans créent des mondes, Marie-Pierre Genecand, Le Temps, 30 oct 2019
Une expérience collective de déconstruction, Fabio Bonavita, GHI, 11 oct 2019
Un monde nouveau, La rédaction, 24 heures, 10 oct 2019


Conception, writing, staging, stage design, costumes: Old Masters
Cast : Sarah André, Marius Schaffter, Jérôme Stünzi, Sofia Teillet
Light design : Joana Oliveira
Musical composition: Nicholas Stücklin
Arrangement: Rotem Sherman
Flute: Susanne Peters
Clarinet: Azra Ramic
Violins: Rada Hadjikostova, Delphine Bouvier
Viola: Raya Raytcheva
Cello: Mariafrancesca Passante
Double bass: Irene Sanz Centeno
Xun (globular flute), synths: Nicholas Stücklin
Administration: Laure Chapel – Pâquis production
Co-production : Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne; Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Genève


Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, Organe de répartition de la Loterie Romande, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation SUISA, Fonds d’encouragement à l’emploi des intermittent.e.s genevois.es (FEEIG), Corodis, République et Canton de Genève.

Original Music by Nicholas Stücklin, available here