L’impression is a therapeutic theatrical device. It’s simply a show that heals. Beings question each other. One shares his concern. The others seeks to give them meaning based on their own impressions. They establish a diagnosis and a program to try to live well, to better be. In an isolated and monochrome world, gestures, actions, activities are undertaken to this end. And it works.
The world we live in is a world of impressions and intuitions, an impressionist world, where sometimes, when we are just at the right distance, we make out a landscape, an outline, and are moved. We are no longer certain of anything, we lack the courage, the strength. But all we have are these impressions, ours and our kind, to take action, to make something of this life.

Centre culturel suisse, Paris (FR)
Arsenic, Lausanne (CH)
TU – Théâtre de l’usine, Genève (CH)
Old Masters, la sérénité d’un quadrilatère, Tom Laurent, art absolument, nov-déc 2018
L’impression, Amalia Dévaud, Mouvement, 8 nov 2018
La puce à l’oreille, RTS, 6 oct 2018
«L’impression», vanité des temps modernes, Katia Berger, Tribune de Genève, 20 jan 2018
Created by Old Masters – Sarah André, Marius Schaffter, Jérôme Stünzi
Conception and witing: Old Masters and the interprets
Cast :
Angèle: Charlotte Herzig
Annick: Sofia Teillet
Michaël: Jérémy Chevalier
Thomas: Marius Schaffter
Set and costumes : Sarah André and Jérôme Stünzi
Light design : Jonas Buhler
Music and sound : Nicholas Stücklin
Violins: Adél Kovács, Adam Nagy
Alto: Greta Staponkute
Cello: Léonie Védie
Arrangement quatuor: Rotem Sherman
Daf (tambourin): Daniel Steiner
Administration: Laure Chapel – Pâquis production
Hairstylist: Sarah André
Co-production : TU — Théâtre de l’Usine, Genève and Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne
Pro Helvetia, Ville de Genève, Loterie romande, Fondation SUISA, Nestlé pour l’Art, Pour cent culturel Migros, Fonds d’encouragement à l’emploi des intermittent.e.s genevois.es (FEEIG)
Original Music by Nicholas Stücklin, available here