Home Of My Spirit

Children have an exceptional ability to interweave a subjective reality and an objective (or socially objectified) reality. The world and their world are not two separate things. As we grow older, we lose this fluidity, boundaries between worlds appear and solidify. We adults reduce our inner world to a little secret garden, hidden somewhere in the outside world.
Using our array of images, objects and visions, Old Masters wants to provide children with a play that will be home for their spirit. A refuge, a space for consolidation, a safe space for their personal imagination, their creativity, their ability to reinvent the world we think we know. A scenic universe in which each individual vision can exist and express itself, and where all points of view combine to create an explosive, colorful, wonderful and powerful reality.

14-15 November 2024, Le Zef, Marseille (F)
12-15 December 2024, La Villette, Paris (F)

13-14 February 2025, Agora-Desnos, Evry-Courcouronnes (F)
5-7 March 2025,Théâtre d’Orléans, Orléans (F)
27-30 March 2025, T2G, Gennevilliers (F)
2-4 April 2025, Comédie de Valence, Valence (F)
5 June 2024, Theater Casino, Zug (CH)
18-21 April 2024, Théâtre Silvia Monfort, Paris (F)
6-11 March 2024, Rotondes, Luxembourg (LU)
29 Feb-1st March 2024, Jungspund Festival, St-Gall, (CH)
25 February 2024, Südpol, Lucerne, (CH)
8-14 November 2023, TPM, Montreuil, Paris (F)
23 October 2023, Agora Theater, Saint-Vith, (B)
9 June 2023, Théâtre Hexagone, Meylan / Grenoble (FR)
5 April 2023, Point Favre, Chêne-Bourg (CH)
8-9 March 2023, Starke Stücke, Bürgerhäuser, Dreieich (D)
5-6 March 2023, Starke Stücke, Zoogesellschaftshaus, Frankfurt (D)
23-24 February 2023, Play Full Festival, FFT, Düsseldorf (D)
19th and 21st March 2022 – Kicks! Festival, Dampfzentrale, Bern (CH), in German Haus meines Geistes
14th – 20th March 2022 – Arsenic, Lausanne (CH)
1st – 6th March 2022 – Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Geneva (CH)

Vom Sonnenschirm zur Unterwasserwelt, Nancy Lambert, Tageblatt, 9-10 March 2024
Spielerisch die Welt verändern: Das Kollektiv Old Masters hat das Festival Jungspund in St.Gallen eröffnet, Bettina Kugler, Tagblatt, 1 March 2024
Old Masters, La Maison de mon esprit, Wilson Le Personnic, maculture.fr, 13 November 2023
En Île-de-France, le festival Playground ouvre la danse contemporaine à la jeunesse, Marie Sorbier, Podcast le Grand Tour, France Culture, 15 November 2023
Esprit, es-tu là? Clara Colson, Zone critique, 13 November 2023
Physikalisch menschliche Philosophie, Isabel Sulger Büel, Intrige, 20 May 2022
Ein Gedankendach für die Fantasie, Sarah Sartorius, Berner Zeitung, 18 May 2022
La Maison de mon esprit, un refuge, Fabien Imhof, La pépinière, 5th march 2022

Concept: Old Masters
Text, choreography and staging : Old Masters and Sofia Teillet
Cast : Sarah André, Marius Schaffter, Jérôme Stünzi and Sofia Teillet (or Lisa Harder)
Light design : Joana Oliveira
Music : Nicholas Stücklin
Text (montage) : Marius Schaffter
Stage design and costumes : Jérôme Stünzi et Sarah André
Stage design and costumes assistant : Antonie Oberson
Administration : Laure Chapel – Pâquis production
Touring : Tristan Barani
Production manager: Jessica Vaucher Co-production : Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Geneva et Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, Kicks! Festival, Bern

Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, Organe genevois de répartition de la Loterie romande, Corodis, République et Canton de Genève.

The piece Home of My Spirit can be presented en français, auf Deutsch, in English et in italiano.